Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Noise (both visual and auditory)

Summer is not entered into by the sounds of playing children or the warmth of the sun on your face while the waves crash...

Summer is entered into by the sounds of heavy machinery and tires catching pot-holes. Tillicum has been a hotbed of public improvement lately. New sewer systems have brought pain and frustration - but they've also brought higher property value and new sidewalks (which then brought lava rock landscaping and multiple broken windows at the elementary school - but that's another story for another day)

Tillicum is no exception. Neighborhoods everywhere are torn up in order to hopefully be improved by the time the rain sets back in.... (tomorrow... cause here, the rain never really ends).

Will there be a day when there is nothing left to construct?


  1. The construction will end... but repairs go on forever and ever!

  2. That little cottage would be a dream to restore, refence, and plant a beautiful flower garden around it.


Thanks for stopping by!!