Thursday, August 18, 2011


So - Like I mentioned yesterday - I'm feeling a significant lack of inspiration these days. I think it's because my mind must be focused on other things. The blog hasn't been top priority lately (shocker!)... So this is a photo I took last weekend of a sweet little boy who joined us on our weekend retreat. I asked if I could see the flowers he picked and he was glad to share. "I picked them for mommy" he told me. She wasn't there this weekend and I'm not positive that the flowers made the 5 hour trek home safely - but I believe it's the thought that counts.

and then, she {snapped}

Remember when times were this easy? All you were expected to do was be sweet and obey - the rest was kind of up to you. There was a roof over your head that you didn't have to worry about or make payments on. Somehow the food was always (hopefully) on the table. You're not really sure how it got there and it was always a PLEASURE to be involved in the cooking process. Even washing the dishes afterwards was a joy as long as you got to help alongside mom and dad?

And then all you wanted to do was grow up? Why did we think that way? The freedom we thought we'd have is tied down by bills and jobs you don't really care for... obligations you're not sure how you got tied to in the first place.

Anyway... I like blogs for the pictures - so I'm going to stop blabbering on. I've just been in a funk. A funk that requires some serious change in order to get out of... Just have to figure out what that change is and how to come about making it.


  1. Lovely photo! I agree about simpler times. Hope you get out of your funk soon!

  2. This is just lovely & super sweet! Love the focus on the flowers!

  3. Right. I am right there with you.

  4. That just made me cry! He came over to see why I was crying, so I showed it to him. He said, "Well, mom, I think I left them at camp though." Thanks Christina! I'll be keeping that picture for certain ;-)
    -This adorable boy's mommy

  5. Such a sweet shot. I know what you mean about lacking inspiration - I can't tell here, but if your mind is elsewhere then the inspiration will return.

  6. yes, i do remember those simpler times and how impatient i was to outgrow them! If only i knew!

    Lovely shot, those flowers are so beautiful and the thought behind it so profound :)

  7. Hi Christina,

    Just nominated you for an award :) Pop over and take a look :)

  8. sweet picture! I do miss those days - how do we make our children enjoy being young and not long for growing up?!

  9. AWWW! How sweet! =) It probably made her day, even if they were wilted!!! =)

  10. Sweet photo! What a sweet little boy!


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