Thursday, December 29, 2011

This pinterest thing...

So I'm getting used to this pinterest thing. I've had 'pinsomnia' like the best of them and laid in my bed phone in hand just browsing what other people are putting on their virtual bulletin boards... But today I was exploring Pinterest when I realized a little link that said "others from"... Now this isn't much for those who have been in the photograpy world/biz for a while now but I think it's neat that complete strangers have been pinning my work and it's growing. I guess I only hope that brings those folks back to this site to see more.

*Side note and super cheap ploy for another follower... It's been driving my "OCD" (don't really have it) CRAZY that I've had 99 followers forever. Finally yesterday I reached an even 100 (woot!)... Then apparently I lost one (bummer) Which makes me BACK to 99! gahh!


  1. Hi Christina, love you baby pic, beautiful and well deserving of the magic 100! So I signed up. Paul

  2. what a gorgeous photo!!! I'd definitely pin your work.

  3. if you go to URL here then you can see everything that's been pinned from your site:


Thanks for stopping by!!