Monday, August 1, 2011

The Waiting Game

Is there something you are waiting for? There are things here and there in my life that I have difficulty waiting for - a response to the job interview for starters... 
Waiting on the Lord. That seems so much easier said than done. Have there been times when you've had to wait on the Lord? We wait on others and sometimes that's impossibly difficult. I'll sit outside in the car and wait. and wait. and wait for the husband to come out and lock up the house and join me in the car.
Sometimes he'll wait for me to do my hair, to take out the dog to change my outfit for the day two.... three... sometimes four times before I settle on something and head out the door.

Waiting on the Lord? When I know why I'm waiting for my husband - when he knows why he's waiting for me - does it make it any more bearable? Waiting on the Lord takes so much faith. Believing without seeing. Most of the time we have no idea why we've been ask to wait, we just have to be strong, have courage and continue... to wait.


  1. Yes, waiting particularly hard for me as well

  2. love it. seems like i'm always waiting...on someone or something. and always on the Lord :)

  3. completely agree. I hate waiting.

  4. What a great post - I hate waiting but it's necessary...and oh the reward is so worth it!

  5. Love the photo, Christina! Perfect use of scripture! (I always struggle with that!) and you are so right, waiting on God has got to be one of the hardest things He asks us to do. But what a wonderful encouragement and testimony it is when we hold out and receive His blessing! Amen?

  6. Waiting is hard... so is walking, one-step-at-a-time. The Word says in Psalm 119:105, 'Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.' I've always been a beacon kind of girl, but the Lord says He gives light for my steps, step, light, step, light not the lighthouse I'd like most of the time. So we are challenged to be faithful to wait, and to step according to the light He gives and then step again. Yes faith, believing without seeing. I love this quote by Charles Spurgeon 'God is too good to be unkind and He is too wise to be mistaken. And when we cannot trace His hand, we must trust His heart.' ~Madge

  7. Love your postbox picture!

    Thanks for the comment on my blog- still having blogger issues... i wish that would hurry up and end. I'll give the scripture and snapshot a try... I think it would prove to be a bit challenging to theme a scrip with a snapshot in a consistent manner but I'll definitely try. ;)

    Btw, how do you add the linky to the scripture and snapshot to your page?

  8. I particularly struggle with waiting when I don't have a timeframe and I don't know why I'm having to wait. As Brittany and I wait for children, I find the lack of knowledge of the future extremely challenging. It'd be much easier to wait if God said, "Just two more years, 187 more days and 3 hours." But He doesn't. I suppose that teaches me patience, and I know that His reasoning is perfect. But it's still difficult.

  9. Great shot!!! Patience is virtue.

  10. This is a timely post for me, as I am constantly in the throes of waiting to see what happens in this publishing venture. I've been thinking about patient waiting a lot lately, as I've recently read about King David, and how he patiently waited for his right time to become king. He didn't push the system or try to control the process -- he simply depended on God to work out the plan in His time.

  11. Waiting almost seems like the hardest thing about being a Christian at times, but we have a faithful God and "to him a thousand years are as a day" so what seems like a long time to us is nothing to him. While the wait is hard for us as Christians, God is using this time to bring more people to repentance, as 2 Peter 3:9 says:
    The Lord isn't really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.

    Certainly we want as many people to come to know Christ as possible, so the wait is more than worth it!

  12. Have you read _Oh! The Places You'll Go_, by Dr. Seuss? He has such a great quote, in there, about waiting. I agree: it's hard to wait. May God bless you as you try to lean into His perfect timing. Here from Michelle's Graceful.

  13. what a wonderful post.. and I love the photo.. well done!


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